Tazia Machl ' 27, Christopher Chambers


Nathan 窗台上’23’s documentary “Afterglow” delves into the physical challenges, 个人的创伤, 和 the power of community that defined his parkour group’s journey.

当他进入大四的时候,23岁的内森 心理学 主要的, 游泳队队员, 和 parkour enthusiast — was not expecting to add ‘filmmaker’ to his resume. 然后他和89岁的蒂姆·莱斯利一起上了领导力课. “这是我最喜欢的课程之一,西尔说。, “[with] highly-motivated students 和 an inspiring environment.” The class reawakened his interest in filmmaking, 和 making a movie suddenly seemed possible.

One year later, the film he wrote, directed, 和 produced was accepted into the 2024贝洛伊特国际电影节. There, “Afterglow” captivated audiences 和 received the Executive Director’s Award. “For our first film festival 和 my first film, to win this award was amazing,仍然说.

Nathan 窗台上'23 at the 2024贝洛伊特国际电影节 award ceremony. Nathan 窗台上’23 at the 2024贝洛伊特国际电影节 award ceremony.
图片来源:Peer Canvas

这部电影, 这是我在莱斯利的课上开始的, 最初设想是一个以跑酷为基础的集锦, 但它演变成更多的东西. The final result is a feature-length documentary that follows five young men coming of age in 贝洛伊特 和 bonding over their shared passion for parkour — an activity that involves moving quickly 和 efficiently through urban or natural environments. 跑酷运动员通过跑步来克服障碍, 跳, 攀爬, 跳跃的, 滚动, 还有其他的杂技, 使用精密, 创造力, 和即兴演奏.

伯洛伊特人,超级英雄粉丝, 窗台上 discovered parkour in high school when a friend showed him a video online. Seeing people leaping from building to building seemed like something out of a comic book, 和 he founded a parkour group with a few friends 和 classmates at 贝洛伊特 Memorial High School. They called the group Sigfreed, in a nod to that heroic figure of Germanic 和 Norse literature. 像齐格弗里德, 以他的力量和勇气而闻名, the group sought to gain freedom from their fears by confronting them.

西格弗里德攀登威斯康星州哥伦比亚县的直布罗陀岩石. 西格弗里德攀登威斯康星州哥伦比亚县的直布罗陀岩石.
来源:Alex Page

这部电影的灵感来自于这群朋友, 和他一起长大的人以及他在大学里认识的人. “We found a story that we really loved because it was our story,斯蒂尔解释道, 我们意识到我们是唯一能分辨出来的人.在电影中, 该团队穿越自然和城市景观, 面对的不仅仅是身体上的障碍. 他们还要面对并克服严重的伤病, 艰难的家庭生活, 无家可归, 上瘾, 心理健康问题, finding strength 和 support in each other 和 in their 友谊. 在电影中, 他们各自分享如何跑酷, 友谊, 大自然的运动帮助他们克服了这些挑战.

斯蒂尔把西格弗里德带到伯洛伊特学院, 引起了23岁的Max Saladar和25岁的Ben Xiong的注意, 谁加入了这个团体. Sigfreed会跳过屋顶, 攀爬所有可能攀爬的东西, 并在校园里进行高风险的特技表演, 在城里, 在更远的地方. “贝洛伊特 gave me the chance to explore 和 redefine who I wanted to be. 刚上大学的时候,我很害羞,很焦虑. 贝洛伊特 taught me how to get out of my shell 和 pushed me into situations I wouldn’t have put myself into otherwise,仍然说. “如果我没有去伯洛伊特,我就拍不出这部电影.”

Nathan 窗台上'23 contemplates an obstacle in an undisclosed location. Nathan 窗台上’23 contemplates an obstacle in an undisclosed location.
来源:Alex Page

窗台上, 从小就热衷于游泳, joined the college swim team 和 soon faced one of his most difficult obstacles. 第一年的时候, a relatively routine back surgery to repair two discs in his lower back resulted in a spinal injury that left him in a wheelchair, 腰部以下瘫痪. The recovery, which coincided with the p和emic’s isolation, led to a struggle with opioid 上瘾. Through it all, his family, friends, 和 Sigfreed were there for him.

Remarkably, after seven months of grueling rehab, 窗台上 was out of the wheelchair 和 using a walker. 从那以后,他开始使用拐杖和腿部支架. 出乎意料的是, 他大三那年又回到了游泳队, competing for the Buccaneers 和 clocking times close to his times from before the injury. At first, he wasn’t sure he wanted to tell this story in “Afterglow.” It became clear though in the filmmaking process that the story of trauma 和 recovery should be at the heart of the film. “看看这些创伤经历是如何影响整个群体的, how these experiences shape us as people 和 the people around us — that was a big part of learning how to tell the story,仍然说.

Sigfreed在一栋废弃的建筑附近闲逛. Sigfreed只是四处闲逛. Ben Xiong’25, Nathan 窗台上’23, Devon McIntyre (st和ing), Evan Rusmisel (upside down)
来源:Alex Page
在窗台上, 讲述他和他朋友的故事并不容易, 但最终是非常值得的. “我一直很重视这个团队,以及它为我所做的一切. 即使你们像家人一样, 你们并不总是对对方说你们的感受, so to have the opportunity to do that on film is really powerful.”

这个团队没有一个人有太多的电影制作经验, 他们的设备是GoPro和iPhone. “我和那些像家人一样的人一起工作, 所以要确保故事讲得好, 这是尽可能真实的, 压力真的很大,仍然说. “我通宵达旦地构思和编写场景.” He knew he wanted drone shots 和 found Alex Page, an up-和-coming videographer. Page, who is also an ultra-athlete 和 a vegan, like several members of Sigfreed, was a great fit. “Alex was 更多的 than able to keep up with us, running around with his camera 和 his gear,仍然说.

After filming was complete, 窗台上’s friend Mason Sorenson’25, a 工作室艺术心理学 double 主要的 with years of experience editing YouTube videos, offered to help. 他们在索伦森的宿舍里剪辑了这部电影, 近距离工作,在三个月的时间里,我花了5000小时在这个项目上, sometimes working all night 和 up to 14 hours at a time to ensure it would be ready to premiere for the 贝洛伊特 community. Sorenson says that editing almost 30 hours of footage into an 80-minute film was challenging, 但也很有趣, 他喜欢和斯蒂尔一起工作. “我们以相似的方式看待世界和生活, 也正因为如此,我们才得以将他的愿景变为现实.”

窗台上 wants to continue to spread the message from the film that people should lift each other up, 我们并不孤单. “I’m happy that people love the movie 和 love the people in the movie as much as I do,仍然说. 他将把《菠菜白菜吧》提交给更多的电影节. He 和 his team also hope to bring the movie to other colleges, 和 are looking for distribution opportunities 和 organizations to work with for screenings. Meanwhile, they are working on a website 和 learning the business side of the industry. 他继续发展他的电影制作技巧,使用 该组织的YouTube频道Sigfreed Explore作为实验和存档的地方. “我想关注人类的故事,他说, “stories that show how connection 和 freedom can help us get to better places.”


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